Castelo Branco, Portugal


A modest river stream slits through a rough landscape of severity.
Time and climate, the ultimate crafters.
Large sawn-cut stone blocks of the local granite arise from this austerity, sheltering a small place of reconcile with Nature.
All the humid areas emphasize a sense of refuge and nostalgia – like an elegy for the (lost) thermal theme of the region.
“Excavated” between the harshly rocky cliffs, a fraction of life becomes perennial –
(un)endingly petrified.



“Man is condemned to find forms that harmonize and conform to Nature, completing it.
Yes, Nature exists, reigns, and so it always triumphs –
but subjugated to our disruptions.”
Umberto Eco






Architecture MasterPrize  
   Honorable Mention
Best Residential Architecture Design
Architecture MasterPrize, USA